The Polly Parrot Appeal Fundraisers.  The appeal was launched at the end of 2010 with the aim of raising funds for the new A&E department for children at Basildon Hospital. When the department opened in February 2012 the appeal had managed to raise £100,000. People with ages ranging from 8 to 80 were coerced by the team into running, swimming, abseiling, baking, dancing, cycling and who knows what else! The appeal has now managed to amass, for various children’s areas within Basildon Hospital, an incredible total of a quarter of a million pounds!

Polly Parrot enjoying the evening with friends and sponsors


The Rotary Club of Brentwood a’ Becket The club was only

established 35 years ago yet has become a major force in

helping raise serious funds for charity. It only has thirty-six

or so members yet it has, since inception, raised a

staggering two million pounds for good causes! The

mainstay is the organization and management of the

Brentwood Half Marathon. Not only does it bring in

approximately eighty five thousand pounds each year, but

it also allows the runners to raise money for their own

causes, totalling this year to Two Hundred and Seventy

Five Thousand Pounds. 


Many other activities also raise significant sums.

Their last quiz night for instance was attended by 400



Apart from fund raising the club are engaged in all manner

of community projects from taking disadvantaged children

on zoo trips to organizing a Christmas outing for the old



Members of the Rotary Club with friends, sponsors and special guests


AMANDA ORRIN from Ardleigh. Mandy has, for the last

thirty years, obstinately fought against the diagnosis of

doctors. She was told in the mid eighties that she had

Multiple Sclerosis and not to get pregnant…she now has

three grown up handsome lads. When the misdiagnosed

MS turned out to be a rare form of bone cancer, she was

ordered to take things easy.  She continued working and

was husband Nigel’s rock when he was diagnosed with

Leukaemia. Despite massive operations and the threat that

she may not be able to walk again Mandy never felt sorry

for herself. Quite the opposite, she worked harder than

ever raising money for various good causes. Wonderfully

both she and husband Nigel have been given the all clear

for now. This year they organised and hosted a fabulous

SUNDAY FUNDAY for 150 people at their home, as a result

they presented the Pride of Essex Awards with a

magnificent cheque, which has gone a long way towards

funding this years awards.


Mandy’s nominator Elke Singer says: “She is without a

doubt the strongest most inspirational person I know… I

am honoured to call her my friend”

Amanda (right) with friends, sponsors and Lord Petre



The specialist horse-riding centre was founded almost

forty years ago in 1976, by Mary Mitchell and her late

husband Peter.


Each week they provide facilities for over 120 riders, from

children aged just 5 to adults up to 70. The riders, who

have a complex range of disabilities from cerebral palsy to

visual impairment, are helped by a team of 110 volunteers

themselves aged between 13 and 70. It costs £120,000 a

year to keep the Riding School going…all of which is self-



The centre is now managed by the founder’s daughter Anne, who only last month was awarded the honour of an MBE at the Palace.


Barrow Farm enjoying the evening with friends and sponsors





Other Supporters

Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford