Child of Courage - Sponsored by The Cornell Centre
Winner - Thomas Quincey
Thomas was born with a rare genetic condition called Alagille Syndrome, which amongst other issues affected his liver, heart and his growth. From 6 months old he was put on medication and tube fed. At 5 years he received a liver transplant and despite complications he pulled through. Since then he has gone from strength to strength so much so that he took part in the British transplant games in 2016 and won Beaver Scout of the year with his unit. He likes playing games on his iPad and computer, and he likes Star Wars, Jigsaws, animals and wearing odd socks! He started a new special needs school this year and won a trophy for being so helpful and showing staff how to do his tube feed. He has many certificates of Achievement from Brainwave and gives his best effort to everything that he does.
Highly Commended - Aaliyah Montgomery
Aaliyah was born with a very rare condition called Klippel Trenaunay Weber syndrome. Coupled with this she has a left leg lymphodema and her immune system is almost non-existent. The combination means she has frequent bouts of Cellulitis resulting in regular hospital visits, for up to a week a time. Despite all she has to contend with, she remains a happy girl and has an exemplary academic record at school. Her ambition is to become a doctor who specializes in her rare condition. She is here with her three very proud sisters.
Highly Commended - Elin Cranfield
Elin was diagnosed with a bowel problem when just 6 months old. Since then, every day, she needs to use a manual method to ease the pains in her stomach. The doctors are still looking for other alternatives, meantime Erin is a brave girl who, even though she hates her daily routine, always has a smile on her face and gets on with her life. Her Mum says, “Due to her problems Elin is sick a lot yet she remains caring and loving.She always tries to put other people before herself”
Highly Commended - Brogan Lawrence
At his premature birth Brogan weighed only 3lb11oz. He had manycomplicated medical problems resulting from a haemorrhage, leaving 3 small holes on the left side of his brain. Doctors advised of a doubtful future, hearing, speech, sight, mobility and Cerebral palsy would all be major problems for Brogan. Three years ago his parents engaged a private specialist for weekly intense therapy. Due to Brogan’s hard work and courage, he has managed to progress so much that he entered mainstream education at St. Michaels School Braintree. He is now a happy and healthy 7 year old who likes to ride his adapted trike, and to swim, and is known in school for his cheeky sense of humour.
Highly Commended - Jacob Jones
We are very sad to hear the news that Jacob, an extremely brave five-year-old, who battled a rare form of cancer more than half of his life has passed away.
Jacob Jones, from Braintree, passed away peacefully at Little Haven’s Children’s Hospice on the 9th December 2017.
The John Ray Infant School pupil, had battled neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of the deadly disease, since he was two-years-old.
Despite this, Jacob never let his illness get the better of him and his smile became a well-known sight around Braintree, where the community helped raise more than £82,000 to go towards specialist treatment for him in America. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.